Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Nurse's Guide To Employment & Security | Articles Manifesto

If you are considering nursing, but want to know the pros and cons of the career first, then you may want to discover the benefits of choosing a health related career to help you make your decision. Nursing, like other health careers, are best for those who love caring for others. Choosing this career has many reward for nurses, both financially and emotionally.

The Benefits

Nursing is a patient focused career choice that allows you to interact with people of all ages. You may want to specialize your education if you plan on working with one specific category of people. For example, becoming a pediatric nurse allows you to work with children while geriatric nurses work with elderly patients. Most nurses can provide care for wide range of ages, and for people of all backgrounds. You will need to complete a degree in nursing that covers communication skills as well as the basics of the human body.

Becoming a nurse is one of the simplest ways to care for others, but also is a puts you in a position where life and death are very real issues on a daily basis. Nurses and nurses aides are often the first person to determine whether or not a patient needs urgent care, or whether their condition is stable enough to wait on a physician. Your patients will turn to you for everyday advice on minor healthcare issues, as well as information about more serious conditions. Your education and experience can help people live healthier lives.

Your Duties

Nurses often work long hours and spend a lot of time doing tasks to assist patients in finding comfort during illness. While the hours can become a little tedious, those working in the profession find that the emotional rewards that come from helping patients more than compensates for the downsides of the job. To become a nurse, you will need to be comfortable with the human body and performing tasks that can be a little intimidating, such as taking blood. You will also usually provide direction for nurses aides and other helpers in your department.

Registered nurses usually have the most responsibilities under physicians. Being able to work with a wide range of people, including those who speak other languages, can be a challenge for nurses. Being committed to your work and able to improvise to find solutions to communication barriers can definitely make your job simpler and more rewarding. You will also need to be well-organized and competent in giving medications, including injections, to patients. Your training and experience can assist you in becoming the best nurse possible, and give you the skills you need to provide excellent treatment for patients.

Your Patients

The people that you care for are the number one reason to become a nurse. You will be able to provide patients with the information and treatments needs for a longer, healthier life as a nurse. Nursing does come with some challenges, but also provides you with an outlet for a compassionate nature. You will also find that nursing is a well-paying career, with some positions paying over $30,000 directly out of school.

There are plenty of people that make great nurses, and there?s plenty of opportunity in this career path. Once you?re ready to embark down this path there are resources like which can help you present yourself in the best light.


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