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I think most of us would agree that letting go of things in life is usually difficult.?I saw a TV commercial recently for a storage company that depicted this dilemma of letting go by showing a couple preparing for a garage sale. The husband began removing the items the wife had set out in the yard for sale as he reminisced about each item?one item being from his high school prom decades ago, another being old sports equipment that he had not used in years and so forth. In the end, all of his items were removed from the sale and ended up being moved to a commercial storage unit. This was his answer for not wanting to let go of his stuff.
So why do we all hold on to various items, business models, beliefs, and relationships that are no longer healthy or beneficial in our present moment? I think it is mainly because of fear. Fear of the unknown or fear of change. We find that clinging to the old somehow creates a sense of comfort and familiarity. It?s a mental and emotion crutch that props us up in the present moment. I think that sometimes we also hold on to outdated things and behaviors because we lack the belief that we are worthy of something better.
In meditation, one of the practices is learning to let go and to stay in the present moment. With each breath, the moment begins again. By practicing letting go of judgement, expectation and competition, you begin to open new areas of peace and rest for your mind, body and spirit that you may have been unaware of just in the previous breath. Each breath becomes a journey to explore what it feels like to let go of fears and worries and to just ?be? and observe in this moment. I?ve found that it helps me clarify what I feel without clinging and holding on to it.
When we let go of something, we create space mentally, physically and emotionally for something new to fill the void. If we do not clear out old belief systems and habits due to our fears, we will simply fill the void with something similar. The power of letting go will be subverted by old clinging patterns. I challenge you to expand your beliefs this week to see letting go not as giving up something, but rather as the opportunity to gain something else. What will you gain? More awareness, more peace, more joy, more love, more opportunity, and more prosperity both tangibly and intangibly. If you were on a trapeze would you just keep swinging back and forth on the bar or would you have the courage to let go of the bar and reach for the next bar. You will never know what you will get until you simply let go?
Traci Vincent
Source: http://blog.morningcoach.com/2012/12/03/what-you-get-by-letting-go/
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