Michael K. Williams played Omar Little in The Wire, which enjoyed five seasons on HBO. "I want another season or I want a movie," Attorney General Eric Holder told Wire creators David Simon and Ed Burns at the Justice Department on Tuesday.
Attorney General Eric Holder pleaded on Tuesday for the creators of the celebrated HBO series The Wire to make one more season, "at a minimum." He joins the ranks of the pained viewers who wonder: With all the lousy programs on TV, why can't my favorite show be resurrected?
Now, it's your turn. Tell Us: Which show do you wish to have back on television?
Talk of the Nation listeners, who are typically identified by their first names on the show, nominated the following favorites:
Arrested Development, nominated by Tim from Cleveland. "That show's just genius."
China Beach, nominated by Sarah in Eugene, Ore. "The best show ever."
Dinosaurs, nominated by Matt from Ann Arbor, Mich. "What's wrong with a good family comedy nowadays?"
Firefly, nominated by Ray from San Antonio. "It just gathered so many millions of fans after it went off the air, an incredible phenomenon."
Freaks and Geeks, nominated by Julie in St. Louis. "It beautifully captured the cringe-worthy nature of high school."
Pushing Daisies, nominated by Julie in Arizona. "One of the most colorful, sweetest shows I've ever seen."
Que Pasa USA? nominated by Brian in San Francisco. "My favorite character was the radio soap opera-obsessed abuela."
St. Elsewhere, nominated by John in Mendocino, Calif. "Great cast and it always had good weeks."
Stargate Universe, nominated by Scott from Grand Rapids, Mich. "It started off really slow, but as it went on you really got interested in the characters and got connected to them."
The Howdy Doody Show, nominated by George in Florence, S.C. "It harkens back to our days of innocence."
The Jeffersons, nominated by Kristen in Cincinnati. "I would sneak downstairs to stay up very late as a child to watch this on TV Land and I loved it."
The West Wing, nominated by Mickie Maynard. "Given what's happened, Jimmy Smits would be great to watch as President Santos."
The Wonder Years, nominated by Larry Schooler, via Twitter. "Important for people to reflect on lessons of youth and how to impart them to their children. Also to laugh at themselves."
The X-Files, nominated by jwir3, via Twitter. "It should be redone with new actors, and perhaps, JJ Abrams."
thirtysomething, nominated by Barbara in Hartford, Conn. "Great writing and acting."
Also Nominated:
Alf, nominated by Joseph
Better Off Ted, nominated by Diane in San Antonio
Lou Grant, nominated by Steven
Boston Legal, nominated by Roger
Hill Street Blues, nominated by Bill from Columbus, Ohio
Homicide: Life On The Streets, nominated by Bill from Columbus, Ohio.
Northern Exposure, nominated by Gerard in Tucson, Ariz.
Seinfeld, nominated by Drew
The Smothers Brothers, nominated by Terry from Gainesville, Fla.
Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/06/01/136859086/holder-wants-more-of-the-wire-what-about-you?ft=1&f=5
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