Sunday, October 30, 2011

Marian Thompson May Reclaim Exotic Pets from Columbus Zoo Today (ContributorNetwork)

Exotic pet owner Marian Thompson is taking steps to reclaim the wild animals her husband Terry released from their Zanesville farm before killing himself. All but six of the animals had to be put down after the escape. The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium initially took custody of a bear, three leopards and two monkeys for observation with Thompson's permission. Her lawyers notified the zoo earlier today that she plans to exercise her legal right to reclaim the animals, possibly as early as today. Zoo officials are appealing to both state and federal agencies to prevent transfer of the animals.

My Ohio Twitter followers shared their thoughts on removal of animals from the zoo via email and instant messaging.

* "Marian Thompson should not be allowed to reclaim the wild animals to keep as exotic pets. Even though there were no violations for animal abuse in her name, she was part owner in the farm with her husband and knew the kinds of conditions the animals were living in." -- Mason Stark, Ohio University graduate student, Athens.

* "The humane society had the authority to remove the animals and file charges against Terry Thompson before he released the animals into the community. They can blame Ohio's exotic animals laws, the lack of power to former Governor Ted Strickland's order or Governor John Kasich allowing the order to expire all they want. They could have and should have stepped in and chose not to. The animals should remain at a zoo or refuge."-- Craig Lyle, small business owner, Zanesville.

* "There are responsible exotic pet owners who provide proper habitats and double gates so animals cannot get out. The Thompson's were never of that variety. I don't think the animals had a nice life and definitely do not want them back in my town. My children deserve to play outside without fear." -- Cynthia Harris, nurse, Zanesville.

* "I hope the in-depth exotic animal legislation the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has been working on all year as directed by Governor Kasich is done soon and solves this problem once and for all. Marian told zoo officials she often slept with the female monkey. Primates are not children and do not deserve to be treated as such. My aunt has a private primate sanctuary in Ohio and the animals live safely as they in an appropriate enclosure with a proper diet and regular vet visits. Marian should not have the animals back or cause exotic pet owners who behave humanely to lose their creatures." -- Adam Parker, Ohio State University student, Columbus.

* "I don't really think she should get the animals back since she knew how they were being housed and how underweight the leopards were. She should have to prove she can afford to properly feed and care for the exotic pets and built approved habitats first. Where is she going to put them if they leave today, her husband destroyed the cages when he let them loose."-- Jerry Bradley, retired construction foreman, Zanesville.


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