Monday, July 11, 2011

Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal: Reincarnation and Super ...

Reincarnation and spiritual development of religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, yoga and other Eastern religions teach is not new. The superhuman abilities, some seem to have, even if they are not followers of these religions, is that still baffles and confuses the world of science to this day some. People who do to be able to claim superhuman feats tell anyone and everyone can play, so that the connection with us their skills and deeperrooted?

Spiritual growth and karmic scales are equipped with these religions and adherents even up to a strong point of good will to all. This is important to note because it seems like you fall into the spirit of progress, the laws of material world as we see them gradually in accordance with the individual in spiritual harmony. The idea that we tried, many times beyond life, balance our karma and develop the spiritual side of us to discover the "higher self" or is "enlightened."The terminology changes a bit more of these beliefs, but the goal seems to be driving the same. Thanks to our lives will not last long enough, usually in order to end this process, we came to embody learn another body or to continue the training and the lessons necessary to get there. So that's where we see the human side of the seemingly super-modern twists on old religions have achieved.

For example, there Devraha Baba, Indian saint and lived in Mathura. His pedigree is his ageover 250 years! He said he lived more than 700 It's "The Ageless Yogi" a sense of his hunger and win the time of his death. Subbayah Pullavar, another Indian yogi was levitation for five minutes in front of 150 witnesses recorded. Sri Sathya Sai Baba was to be called "" Man of Miracles "and seemed able to accomplish amazing things. Among these objects from the air, the resurrection, the healing of all types of diseases have materialized and the ability to readThoughts.

These men and many like them, were very dedicated people with many years of spiritual life, their spiritual development. It seems that even the death of someone who may be able to reach this level is to be challenged. An ability to increase the life, or for his soul, karma transfer in a single life balance is also one of the few forces Siddhi in the path of Kundalini Yoga. Are as old as these beliefs, it seems they understood the connection between the mindand a new cycle of incarnations before finding the lack of a better term, "enlightenment". It is the increased understanding or control, and the people show how the above, how to have superhuman abilities, but maybe that's just one way that we all need and find out. Distributed to such beliefs and their links to science, to more people, this can be locked in the "paranormal".

Here, I believe, a look at old knowledge will be ourbest guide to understanding ourselves and how we are right on paranormal phenomena.


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