What is health?
Health is physical (body) efficiency.? Sickness is opposite to health i.e. physical inefficiency.? We can say nobody is perfectly healthy or unhealthy.? It is not possible to compare a persons health with other person.
Health may be divided in to three ?parts. 1. Physical health 2. Mental health 3. Emotional health
Physical health:?? Physical health relates to anything of our body organs.?? The World Heath Organisation (WHO) defined physical health as follows.?? ?Health is state of complete mental, social and physical well being and not just the lack of ailment or illness.? Later this definition slightly modified and include the ability to run ?Social and economical productive life?.? In simple way physical health means ?physical well being?.? Physical health is very important to lead family as well as social life.
Mental Health : ?it refers persons emotional and cognitive well-being.? Person who is mentally sound is mentally health.? According to The World Health Organisation ?A state of well being in which a person understands his? own capabilities, and can cope with regular stress life, capable to work fruitfully and productively, and capable to contribute to his family and society.? In other way we can say mental health is ? absence of mental illness?.? In simple way mental health is capability to enjoy life and ability to come out of adversity, capability to felling like safe and secure.
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Jayaprakash Reddy -
About the Author:
Gracelook.com is developed by Mr.Jayaprakash Reddy Vangala.? He is M.Com., B.Ed., He is working for last one and half decade in a Public Limited Company. Where he worked in different locations/offices and departments.? Prior to joining in this company he also worked in Educational institutions in both teaching and non teaching departments.? Now he would like to share his rich experience with the world.
This entry was posted in news. Bookmark the permalink.Source: http://health-and-fitness.slimmingnews.com/2011/07/24/human-health-and-fitness/
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