Tony Robbins
Born under the name Anthony Mahavorick, he would eventually take his 3rd dad?s surname as his own. Tony Robbins is famous for having read over 700+ books in the field of human psychology and developments field and for using that information to gain access to John Grinder and Richard Bandler (The founders of NLP). His rise to fame, however, hasn?t been easy. Growing up in California and having 2 younger siblings and having 3 step dads growing up. Things became tough for him.
At the age of 17, leaving his mothers house and trying to make it out on his own as a janitor. Tony Robbins left school early (his grades were quite high) and began working as a door-to-door salesman and eventually became the student and salesman for the late great Jim Rohn.
Jim Rohn taught Tony Robbins a lot about success and happiness. How it wasn?t a thing to chase after but to attract to yourself. Working with Jim Rohn, Tony Robinns had become known as ?Wonderboy? in local news papers at the age of 19. This was because he was earning $10,000 a month from Jim Rohn?s seminar company. But it was all set to fail.
Within a few months, Tony Robbins lost it all. The money, his health, his mindset, everything. He ended up living in a crappy apartment for almost 6 months. That was until his on-off girlfriend told him that she was pregnant and expecting his child. The 38lbs over weight Tony Robbins made a vow, he would be financially secure when he had his first child. Combining this drive with what he knew from reading, Tony Robbins went from dead broke to over $1million dollars in less than a year.
Since then he has had the pleasure of helping millions of people around the globe.
Tony Robbins says he is a peak performance coach as opposed to a motivational coach. As he says motivation doesn?t last long but peak performance does.
Tony Robbins Products:
Unlimited Power:
This was Tony Robbins? first book released in the 80?s. While being heavily influenced by NLP models. He shows you exactly how to tap into the wealth of power inside you.
Awaken the Giant Within:
This is actually a similar write up of Unlimited power, but it was released in the 90?s. Something Tony Robbins did different here is remove the heavy NLP influence.
Notes from a friend:
The smallest book Tony Robbins has written, it?s a quick guide to getting into the right mindset and achieve great success.
Personal Power I & II:
This is the 30 day information product that launched Tony Robbins into massive lime light. The 30 day course has made an impact on the lives of many people, including myself. Here you will discover:
- What the 6 human needs are and how to fulfill them for yourself
- Your purpose in life
- How to really set goals.
- And tons more
The Ultimate Edge:
If you must have been looking for a way to live a successful, balanced life, then you must have heard or come across the Ultimate Edge. It teaches you various critical aspects of life, so you don?t waste your time on not doing anything worthy. Rather making sure you dive into all bounties life has to offer to you.
Have a sneak-peak into exactly what you?re in store for:
- Build a life you can lead and become the master of your destiny
- Learn practical solutions to resolve almost all the problems of your life
- Gain insight about how you can overcome almost anything.
Financial Mastery
Having money is great but how about if you can really master wealth? In this training Tony Robbins goes through how he creates financial mastery. Through modelling those that are masters of their finances Tony Robbins teaches the message he got from these masters? Do what you love and money will come.
Tony Robbins also relates how he was on stage at a weekend event and during the break his company which had gone public, made him over $400m. As he says, ?I?m not saying this to be cute or arrogant, but I went back to doing what I loved, which is teach.?
Tony Robbins Negative
Though being present for over 3 decades, Tony Robbins has only ever received negative press a few times. These are because people have taken what he was teaching out of context. Being a very respected person by business people, sports personalities, celebrities and a host of other influential people as well everyday individuals, Tony Robbins hasn?t let that go to his head. He is just as he is on the street as he is on the stage.
Tony Robbins Scam?
After reading and taking nearly every course Tony Robbins has, as well as seeing his ?Who?s-who? of clients and testimonials including Frank Kern, John Carlton, etc. There is no doubt in my mind that Tony Robbins is 100% legit and is highly effective when it comes to teaching people how to master their lives. Tony Robbins is no scam.
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